Clearly Devon trains like a beast. He even calls his YouTube Channel " Natural Beasts Channel". His full name is Devon Palombo and his channel shows his life as a bodybuilder in a reality show format...it's really cool. He also includes his workouts, tips, advice, supplement reviews, meals, and posing videos. Devon says the Goal of his channel is to help out others to succeed in there fitness goals. Whether it be to gain muscle or just loose weight. He is going to try to help everyone as much as i can. Devon is just 22 years old, and lives in Florida. His h eight is 5'11" and his Contest Body Weight is 170 lbs. Watch out for this guy, he's going places. Natural Organizations that Devon competes in: USAPL, OCB, INBA,DFAC, Raw United, NGA, ABFF 100 % DRUG FREE NATURAL BODYBUILDER/POWERLIFTER His Competitive Record to date: 2013 Raw United 100% Raw 181 Record Holder/Champion 2012 DFAC Mens Open Lightweight Champion 2012 USA...